Weed Grown With Love Is Superior, And I Think I Can Prove It

High Times
Fri, Feb 9
Key Points
  • The author believes that love-grown cannabis plants are superior to those grown purely for profit.
  • The law of vibration states that everything in the universe emits a vibrational frequency.
  • Plants are hyper-susceptible to the vibrational frequencies around them and can respond positively to frequencies of love and joy.
  • Consuming cannabis with high vibrational frequency and positive intentions can enhance the experience, while low vibrational frequency plants may diminish it.

The closest I’ve ever felt to God is on the back porch of a run-down house deep in the Humboldt Hills, smoking a sticky joint of last harvest’s In The Pines and watching the sunset after a long, sweaty day of trimming and pulling tarps. The euphoria of smoking that flower I helped grow and trim with my own two hands and infuse with love was unmatched.

Now as a regular-ass person with a regular-ass job, I still seek out homegrown from friends, or farms that I know actually give a shit about their plants. It doesn’t matter the strain or growth method—although sungrown or light dep is always preferred—I just want flower that was cared for, looked after, played music to, stressed about, and protected from the elements with tarps at 2am when the storm hits. It simply makes me feel better—more in tune with myself, with nature, with the divinity of the universe.

I’ve always felt in my bones that love-grown plants were superior to their counterparts grown like row crops purely for a profit, but until now, I couldn’t quantify “why” in a meaningful way. I knew it was better, because of how it made me feel, but I couldn’t prove it beyond anecdotal evidence. A vibe isn’t exactly a convincing argument, yet in a bizarre twist of fate, a vibe is exactly where this journey begins. 

The basic concept of the law of vibration is that everything in the universe is in constant motion, and the speed of that motion can be measured in vibrational frequencies. From the chair you’re sitting on, to the thoughts you think, to even, yes, plants—everything in this universe emits a unique energy wave signature called a “vibrational frequency.”

Humans emit vibrational frequencies based, in part, on the emotions they express, as illustrated in the Hawkins Map of Consciousness. Emotions like joy, peace, unconditional love, and acceptance are considered high vibrational frequencies, while emotions like fear, despair, jealousy, and anger vibrate at a much lower rate. As sentient beings, we can choose the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel, and therefore, can consciously alter our vibrational frequency to go either up or down. 

We can also affect the vibrational frequencies of others, as well as be affected by others frequencies. Have you ever noticed how your mood changes when you’re around someone that emanates joy and gratitude? This phenomenon is literally just your frequency rising to meet theirs. The inverse is also true: being around a Debbie Downer can legitimately lower your vibration if you let her. 

Plants are no different. They, however, cannot consciously alter their vibrational frequency. Meaning they are hyper-susceptible to the vibrational frequencies surrounding them, especially sound waves between 250-1000hz, which has been shown to increase plants yield, robustness, and tolerance to drought stress. Interestingly, these vibrational frequencies match the upper half of the Hawkins Scale, where emotional vibrational frequencies range from neutrality (250hz) in the middle, to enlightenment (700+hz) on the top end. 

If it’s scientifically proven that plants can pick up and respond to our vibrations, and if the grower feels love (500hz) for his plants and joy (540hz) in tending to them, logically, wouldn’t the plants respond positively to those frequencies?

To understand how deeply plants can feel our emotions and even our thoughts, we must discuss Cleve Backster. Backster was a polygraph and lie detector specialist with the CIA who, one night on a whim in 1966, hooked up his polygraph machine to the Dracaena in his office. Hoping to invoke some type of physiological response from the plant, he thought about burning one of the plant’s leaves, but was astonished to find that before he could act on the thought, the needle on the polygraph jumped in the same manner as a human experiencing a fright response. Backster repeated this experiment many times and became an international phenomenon, despite his findings being dismissed by academia. 

Backster eventually formed a theory known as “primary perception” which postulates that a form of consciousness exists within all living things, even plants, and gives the ability to sense the thoughts and feelings of others. 

If this is true, and plants are capable of mirroring frequencies, by design it would also prove that the frequency of the plant would affect the consumer. It has already been proven that consuming high vibrational foods like green, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweeds can raise vibrational frequency in humans. Is consuming cannabis any different?

I think a large part of this equation has to do with the frequency the consumer is already operating at and the intention behind the consumption. If you’re habitually smoking to escape life and mindlessly play video games or doomscroll then you’re already operating at a low frequency, but if you’re smoking with the intention to expand your consciousness and pursue high vibrational activities like communing with nature or exploring your creative passions, then a high vibrational plant can alter the experience in a positive way, just as a low vibrational plant can diminish the experience in a negative way. 

While the jury is still out on whether or not the absence of love negatively affects plants and lowers their status quo vibrational frequency, one thing is for certain: plants do, in fact, return the love they are given. And though we still don’t know the depths this rabbit hole reaches, it is safe to say plants which are nurtured, loved, and spoken to kindly make for a better consumption experience on many different levels—it’s science!
